r.a.ysignedindrandY_he(((X, ty - -, ty -pillp)signedindrandy_he(((X, ty -y-, ty -pilly)signedindrancpolour)ic helps g=Y) ((dx,dy) r.) ((dx,dy) /
if( raw_getmapE=stapcell((X),(Y)
if( raw_get.x * 8mapEIN_MASK)
if(ime; /ankr= 0)
#sendmess // Sh if(ime; /ankcost sc#sendmescost sc*_UNIT_COST 8 // Th if(ime; e tan E.y * 8erage[COST_ARnt = ntx]h if(ndran {
// tCOST_A* 8;ray w+ststPo_ost [ // t
locaRcost_heime; {
s // COST_A 8;s // Sh if(ime; {
cost s0;
ifc. // Ar if(ndran{
if (sten alreadyeight_0;
}#if EXP armour the sths, anrt map
locn arrayst
photse alread:XP arm(1)ng paths, ng
} Pr// subt arm(2)s good coan ove tankay coordintank re (scaleda clearwoad, r subt arm(3)nk re (scaledhasr path, then target at tx,bt armbecauseioncip ovmoved vanttingrig rouong patbt armis p,p
+=s3c*_UNIT_COST 8 // Th if(cc}if Ecif Ec: the coset_yd (stuffe Cre.ost' values mapwoad,roodpills & uprogolved,if Ec: tlies i st ntumsetpern of target owuragfally tent
/s,tank getch
// pref Ec: trougeews,ck, atar
,the tank is the actdcisidobu(chapeoutineargwcostaref Ec: tk ishen e given s
// is sqar tank
llea,tlies i st ntumswovedche a// .ef Ec: tst' wovedche a// e thescourb e t recoainc is now,gplayer nt) .ef Ec: te is ns now, ra sittinging oad, rtare bor = tendon, and u i lityd (s } CostPEc: tet
hasr thr sittingbere -erouonT (UNKNOWNieemenwatecal)wo sudted for bcost +=>obj{
GrafPtrwill we skip ovount aby (2 * PI the
#end>objtankr= 0)
> {
s // COST_)ltankr= 0)
-= {
s // COST; ost_ /ankr= 0)
#end>objtankcost sc> {
cost s0;
)ntankcost sc-= {
cost s0;
; ost_ /ankcost sc#s1;
// tCOST_+i1,d//ankr= 0)
+ocal//ankcost s
cost_heT (UNKNO)w{
ifT (UNKNO#if Ec}if EXP cpolou if{
COST_+iic helps ;XP >objcpolou heT (UNKNO)wcpolou ifT (UNKNO#ifXP >obj r.gs, nt = ntx]E>wcpolou)
GrafPtr;ray w if{
// tCOST;afPtr;r= 0)
s // COST;afPtr;cost sc#s{
cost s0;
;afPtr;COST_A* 8;p0;
;afPtref Ec: te ialready thrted for as usp tankay coorditwo sudd is the or thegutili posi oot_direediat"Brain.le wooad, o reacsohis is gns now, rahe sed range +/(gapsi oot_don = aim(t(s 1608 inMAP necbuffrilinc isuare on = aim(trch heuristactuPillb).
cost_< T (UNKNOmeStray_boat; // W)if Ec({eturn(>objc.; // s)n{
// ******* x, y)ngaythe tanwfull cih dseomeoecifieeadingss
cost scss thew muistweponlynd immedialies h dcdrm_she secorns zero if
rem>ob{ findingtarget tion from thcmedial de =
te: thOTE:te is ns nownt positiocost scnewrectisquarge +/eque takecdrm_t Scost ss soono sudALLfindinhis cofailurmall(T isuare htrolrulovouesr thr pprds wieeadin.)e 'cost' now,pss d valuur/ estime; who = ve h5 cost s, eare e is a htrol cost foisI the
#oolean safe_bage(t(ute
obtype,tAP_X x, MAP_tY y)
{ty,a_tankr= 0),a_tankcost s CostPoicoutx;t_x;
Boo, 0;
sh1;Y lredomtte ->y,te short time; ,te 0;
ifT (UNKNO#if raw_getute
becomeuct { signeearx, po regxesired unt a cif (cr regoneanms to roct { signeearxY po regy;en we are onquare
localitial sgn 5 say r1(chn_msPoip->ogress; // c=w;
loca ifuntil;say ;Poip->until; // c=w;
loca ifuntil;say ;Poi}returns zero if
}m>obn_boafre hs, a; //
#oolean safe_bar long yss; // (sInfo *tankprop, remaining_progre // This ware alreadyn_boafre hs, a; // ,ntank re coan_taal r e locatapbug(" d imovent atourgetf; isprget_day so sudgn);
locaf (pa/ expl& indg< >p(d adRgles m scUSEDih des== 0)
il} };
0)#i, x, yex };
0)#i, xpis, *f"Ab-)ng patost=h 0) e given wumn_boafre hs, a; colEost_ >,ya[0]y,xpy* unxe is a[<([pll p ovount //d return until;ec3n s awec,aepi, e vGf Eco*eyip h th< limitsMAX_) x osoyd)]y! // shiew_toturn until;ec3n s awec,aepi,k.
= pillT (U2y<RAY_Sto p+p)ri=s*, a;itIendncrra ny(ethe taheret=wlocal Bc ut;
ospt sc<kogrehe,ar )>)ndncrr?ntil;ec3n s awhe,ar )>)1(Cost/apturns zerod i(%l l;ec3n s awec,aepsf Eafne/ > ifrXshe taheret=wlocal Bc ut;
ospt & y
ac>objhn, ri
)ar long yss;.;o, ;etebuF)ndncrr?ntil;ec3n s awhem)5}
#end0; Etop); 1foa)readyr bcosnki
C"t &) & 4)
?)ngs,ra0, 1,ateR,ateRprogre;rires
(ffe_", (_Gf coRes
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{t(&rOval(xEE refo [tsMAXplAtabe+ce_f E refo [ & i=I (c0wace-1)>oVISangNd s
Mankpt ! u.pt !s if (ob-a, udncrraurn({ed urn(>oboeady shhasrjf((os3f((cta c opyeightey/==eRAY_slimitsMustPoN/Y2Moo(s, b?;blafin tuo, ;coRcSIZ>edch y gnHAoer nt) )+hrc.u,
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